
West Estonia

Audru Holy Cross Lutheran Church

Audru Church, which was built in 1680, is one of the few 17th century rural churches left in Estonia.
The baroque-style plastered church has a tall and slim gothic tower. A beautiful vaulted ceiling hangs above the spacious church hall and the church's benches, pulpit, altar wall and grid, and the organ balcony on the western wall all date back to the 19th century. Lady of the manor Pilar von Pilchau donated Gustav Biermann’s altar painting 'Christ on the Cross' to the church in 1872. Useful information! Audru church was built under the patronage of great church builder Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie, who built 37 churches in Sweden.

West Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Sun 11:00 - 12:00


Pärna allee 1a, Audru alevik, Pärnu linn, Pärnu maakond